Fence Designs for your Backyard

Fence Designs for your Backyard

Backyards, secured and private, and spacious are standard in Australian neighbourhoods. Australians use their backyards for all types of relaxation and recreation. Private means cannot be seen by the prying eyes of passers-by and sticky-beak neighbours. There are many different styles of fencing from which to choose. Securing your backyard can be done without costing a fortune, regardless of what material or design you select. Listed below are a few options available for residential fencing that will give you privacy and security at the same time.

Privacy Fences

These fences work as physical barriers between the outside world and your backyard. You need to check with your local council and your neighbour when planning height, cost and material. The usually acceptable height for backyard boundary fences is 1.8 metres. As well as being legally correct, it’s also about the right height to obstruct visual and physical access. The front fence is a different matter altogether. You have an extensive range of designs and materials to consider that can create a personalised appearance. As there are no limits, you can even have a custom-built fence to suit an individual taste. While most residential privacy fences come in wood, there are many other materials to be found. A popular alternative is metallic decorative strips that suit garden fencing.

Picket Fences

As old as the image seems, the house with the white picket fence always provides that version of the homeowner’s dream. Picket fencing varies in height and is made of treated pine or, if budget is no problem, treated hardwoods. Picket fences look great, but they do nothing for security or privacy. Maintenance in the way of painting or treating is ongoing.

Security Fences

People are always keen on security in this day and age. Keeping out trespassers and intruders begins by erecting a security fence. Backyard fences in Australia are usually neighbour-driven. The most common is the timber fence or Colorbond, which lasts a lot longer and requires very little maintenance afterwards. The old asbestos fencing is now cement sheeting and is both popular and cheap. The height is usually 1.8 metres. Gates in backyard fences are rare and may be installed if you are particularly friendly with the neighbours.

Split Rail Fences

If you’re lucky enough to have some acreage and you have pets like large dogs and horses, then this type of fencing is a good choice. It’s not the sort of fence you will see in a suburban backyard. Wooden fencing poses the never-ending problem of frequent painting or treatment.


Vinyl fencing is gaining popularity and is an excellent substitute for wood. It can withstand years of exposure to weather and won’t rot or rust. Vinyl doesn’t need any maintenance, either.

Fencing done the right way enhances your property, and with close neighbour proximity being more the norm in new housing estates, it’s more of a necessity than a statement of style.