10 Tips For Landscaping Designs Suitable For Those With Limited Mobility

10 Tips For Landscaping Designs Suitable For Those With Limited Mobility

Gardens should be able to be enjoyed by all and that includes those with mobility issues such as the elderly or disabled. Given their natural surroundings, it may be that case that a garden has been poorly planned and access and mobility within it are poor. If you are thinking of having landscape architects recreate your garden and you wish to be accessible for all, there are specific aspects that need to be incorporated within your garden’s design.

If you are unsure as to what elements and features your landscaping design needs to include, then read on as we have ten tips to help you make your garden more accessible and usable by those who have mobility issues, including yourself if you, unfortunately, fall into that category.

Tip #1 – Include Lots Of Seating: This is a feature that will be welcomed by those with and without mobility issues. Seating not just gives them a place to stop and rest, but also provides opportunities to relax and take in the beautiful surroundings

Tip #2 – Avoid Large Or Curved Lawns: Lawns require a considerable amount of maintenance which may not be easy for those who struggle with their movement. If you must have a lawn make it a small one with a regular shape. Alternatively, replace your lawn with a wood or stone patio.
